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How to Use SPSS

More Features:

  • SPSS Data View

  • SPSS Dictionary 

  • Data Analysis

  • SPSS Output WIndow

  • SPSS Reporting

  • SPSS Syntax

SPSS Dictionary 

SPSS’ Data Editor window always contains two sheets: the first sheet - the one we just saw- displays our data. A second sheet, shown below, shows the metadata associated with the data. Metadata is information about the meaning of data values and variables. This is generally known as the “codebook” but in SPSS it's called the dictionary. The next screenshot shows how SPSS’ dictionary is represented in the second sheet of the data window.

Data Analysis

SPSS can open all sorts of data and display them -and their associated metadata- as two sheets in its Data Editor window. So how can you actually analyze such data in SPSS? Well, one option is using SPSS’ elaborate menu options. For instance, if our data contain a variable holding respondents’ incomes over 2010, we can compute the average income by clicking SPSS’ Descriptive Statistics dialog window as shown below.


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